Thursday, June 17, 2010

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By using the code keep LED on after button is released I was able to add a photo sensor with the push button to achieve what I wanted. The only issues I am having is not being able to control motors on this code and inverting the sensor to turn on when lights are off versus when they are on.

Within the next week hopefully the code can be redone to figure out the issues...

// Example 03A: Turn on LED when the button is pressed  // and keep it on after it is released  // // Copy and paste this example into an empty Arduino sketch  #define LED  13  // the pin for the LED  #define BUTTON 7 // the input pin where the                  // pushbutton is connected int val = 0;     // val will be used to store the state                  // of the input pin  int state = 0;   // 0 = LED off while 1 = LED on   void setup() {    pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);   // tell Arduino LED is an output    pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT); // and BUTTON is an input  }    void loop() {    val = digitalRead(BUTTON); // read input value and store it     // check if the input is HIGH (button pressed)    // and change the state    if (val == HIGH) {      state = 1 - state;    }      if (state == 1) {           digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // turn LED ON    } else {      digitalWrite(LED, LOW);    }  } 

Once again with this code my LED's are running 010101010101010 on and off constantly... I am only achieving half brightness.

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