Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wood Chime in Action.

Now that my studio final is done, I can post some more about the project.

The Wood Chime.

Get some Popsicle sticks from the Dollar store and drill holes so that is make a nice pattern.
Its best to make a template so the holes are even.

Then string them together like above. I tried different stick materials but steel seems to flex the least under stress.

the Popsicle sticks rotate freely around the pivot, but if their weight is too evenly distributed, they will balance out and not return to a verticle position. I didn't use the center holes in the template because of this.

The turning part is made up of small wood tear- drop shapes with a hole drilled so they string together. The stick needed to be rigid and the wood pieces are not supposed to rotate around the pivot because the motor is turn the stick and therefore the entire shaft.

So I strung it all together and attached a CD motor to one end and hooked up the photo-sensor to the Arduino like so.

And the code was a simple sketch from the Arduino library, "Blink without Delay"

Just a few kinks to work out, I need to slow the motor down a bit, but all in all the overall project worked exactly as we planned.

And in Action.

Don't know if it embedded correctly so this is the link.

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